You don't have confidence in yourself, and you can be depressed by casual things. You may think that you have nothing good in yourself or that you haven't done much, and you may end up working too hard even when things get tough. If you don't have confidence in yourself, your self-esteem will be low and you may deny yourself.

If you care too much about other people and can't assert your opinion, or if you don't believe in your own abilities and don't take action, you can't get out of a state of low self-esteem. I want to be more confident in myself, I want to value myself more, but there are also pains that cannot be easily changed.

Now let's think about what self-esteem means.

The meaning of self-esteem is "a feeling of valuing one's own personality, having confidence in one's own thoughts and behavior, and an attitude of eliminating interference from others.

 People with high self-esteem are more likely to see events that make normal people depressed. People with low self-esteem, on the other hand, are unable to take care of themselves and are unsatisfied with life because they think negatively about everything they do. Studies have shown that low self-esteem can lead to eating disorders.

Once you have low self-esteem, you will find it hard to get out of the habit of thinking without confidence. Because you can't accept yourself, you can't accept yourself, and it's a trigger to fall into a vicious cycle of self-esteem.

Seven tips to maintain and improve your self-esteem

If you can maintain and improve your self-esteem, you will be able to recognize the value of yourself and others. I want to be able to live my life to the fullest without comparing myself to others.

When you increase your self-esteem, your horizons expand and your thinking becomes more positive. Instead of comparing yourself to others, change your mind just a little.

Seven tips to maintain and improve your self-esteem

1. Create many small successful experiences

Creating a lot of small success experiences leads to self-confidence. You don't have to have big goals.

Start by doing small things like eating breakfast, greeting each other every day, and studying for 30 minutes after eating. Don't get discouraged if you don't achieve it.

One successful experience that I found difficult for myself even though I couldn't do it. It's okay if you lower the target level from the next time.

By experiencing small successes every day, you naturally build a great sense of self-affirmation.

2. Accept your feelings

Accept your negative emotions. A good way to accept your emotions is to write down your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes in a notebook.

By writing in a notebook, you can see yourself from an objective point of view. It's okay to have a lot of negativity. Being able to accept your feelings as you are will help you maintain and improve your self-esteem.

Accepting your own emotions will increase your self-esteem, make you more positive, not be influenced by other people's evaluations, and make your life easier.

3. Find out what caused your low self-esteem


Take stock of your current situation and try to find out what is causing your low self-esteem. Once the cause is known, a solution can be sought. First, use the first person and write down the current situation that you found when you accepted your feelings earlier.

From there, add things like what you were told by people around you or things you failed to do, like an associative game. In the process of writing, a surprising event comes out, which is the cause of your low self-esteem.

It's a work that faces yourself, so if you're having a hard time, I recommend trying it with a counselor.

4. Extend your strengths rather than crush your weaknesses

If you want to improve your self-esteem and self-affirmation, try to develop your good points rather than focusing on your weaknesses and trying to improve them. Everyone has some shortcomings, such as "I have no sense of direction," "I'm not good at computers," and "I'm not good at speaking in front of people."

Even if you can't think of your strengths, there's always something good about you that's just 

If you can't understand it by all means, let's remember the weaknesses. All weaknesses turn out to be strengths. For example:

• Stubborn = strong-willed

• Restless = active

• Tired = full of curiosity

• High pride = desire to rise

Considering the above, you may have noticed that you also have strengths. Develop your strengths and increase your self-esteem.

5. Accept compliments from others

Even if you are praised, do you reflexively deny it by saying, "That's not true!"? Being humble is good, but too much humility can lead to low self-esteem.

People who can't see their good points may have low self-esteem. There are many things that you can take for granted that are attractive to those around you.

First of all, get into the habit of saying "thank you" when someone compliments you.

6. Change your environment

Children who grew up without being loved, children who were always compared to others, and children who grew up with conditional affection tend to become adults with low self-esteem. If the cause of low self-esteem is people or environment, it will remain low no matter how hard you try if you are in the same place.

In order to change the environment, it is recommended that you start living alone if your parents deny you, or change jobs if you are your boss. Self-esteem will inevitably be preserved if the cause of low self-esteem and self-affirmation is eliminated.

7. Work hard on yourself

People with low self-esteem think they are not great people. However, the fact that you are still alive is a wonderful thing, even though it is difficult just to live every day. It's important to appreciate what you've been through.

As a specific method, write down the efforts you make in your daily life, such as "I make and eat lunch every day" and "I go to work without taking a break."

By writing it down on paper, you will remember what you have done so far, and you will love yourself for living a casual everyday life.

Love yourself, learn to love yourself

When you have low self-esteem, it's hard to be positive. It's hard and painful to be in a state where your abilities are not recognized and you don't have confidence. You don't have to increase your self-affirmation.

First of all, acknowledge your current situation and what you've been working hard on, and please take care of yourself. If you can grasp what you have been trying to do, you will naturally love yourself.

To love yourself, it's important to get into the habit of acknowledging where you are. Set small goals and build up successes little by little. Having a high self-esteem will help you to ignore what others say and be ready to take on higher goals.

I hope the day will come when you find yourself attractive.


*This article is based on the author's experience and the desire to help those who are suffering, and does not guarantee legal accuracy. If you act based on the information on the site, please consult with a counselor, doctor, etc., and act at your own discretion and responsibility.

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